I've noticed some SPAMmers recently starting to HELO using non-routable IP addresses (mostly 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x)

I'm thinking of filtering for this, and I came up with this code (which would be placed AFTER the check for an IP-based HELO in square brackets - so any IP-based HELO missing the brackets has already been rejected).

I'd appreciate any feedback anyone would like to offer on this code snippet:

         # Check for a HELO that is a non-routable address and therefore invalid
         if (($helo =~ /(^|\[)10\.d{1,3}\.d{1,3}\.d{1,3}\]$/i) ||
                 ($helo =~ /(^|\[)192\.168\.d{1,3}\.d{1,3}\]$/i))
                md_syslog('alert',"$MsgID: Fraudulent HELO $helo by Host 
                return('REJECT', "FRAUDULENT HELO/EHLO: $hostip is not $helo");

Obviously, if I have sending hosts on my network that really did have non-routable addresses, this would be a possible problem (altho the simple solution is for them to not HELO with their IP, but use their hostname). And yes, the code does omit the 172.16-31.x.x range - haven't seen them yet, altho I imagine it's just a matter of time.

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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