I have now a working greylist setup with SQLite v3, which was modified from the original Michael Lang version:

What was missing from the code was the timedelay setup which was there in the postges and DB versions, but not the SQLite version.
When I have the whitelisting working I will post it on a web page.

% cat CreateDB.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
use strict;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:/etc/mail/db/GreylistSQLite.db', '', '') ||
 die "Couldnt open Database: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

my $table = $dbh->prepare("CREATE TABLE \"greylisting\" ( ".
       "\"tripple\" CHAR(255) NOT NULL, ".
       "\"sessionid\" CHAR(50) NOT NULL, ".
       "\"timestamp\" CHAR(12) NOT NULL, ".
       "\"datestamp\" DATETIME NOT NULL, ".
       "PRIMARY KEY ( \"tripple\" ));");
$table = $dbh->prepare("CREATE INDEX \"index_timestamp\" ".
 "ON \"greylisting\" ( \"timestamp\" );");
$table = $dbh->prepare("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"pindex_tripple,sessionid\" ".
 "ON \"greylisting\" (   \"tripple\" );");

sub filter_recipient {

    #We still need some whitelisting, which is being tested

    # do Greylisting check
    my $id = percent_encode_for_graphdefang($MsgID);
# if we already passed the Greylisting torture for this Tripple continue
    if (defined($Greylistpassed->{$id})) {  return ('CONTINUE', 'OK'); }

    # define the Greylisting Timeout
    my $GreylistTimeout = 300;

    # SQLite2 Timestamp syntax YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    my $datestamp = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time());
    my $now = time;
    my $timestamp = $now - $GreylistTimeout;

my $GreyList = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:/etc/mail/db/GreylistSQLite.db', '', '',
       {PrintError=>0, Taint=>0} ) or
md_syslog('warning', 'Greylist: Couldnt connect GreylistDB') && return ('CONTINUE', 'OK');

    # build the tripple
    my $tripple = "$RelayAddr/$Sender/" . $Recipients[0];

    md_syslog('warning', "greylist_in: $tripple, $id, $timestamp" );

$query = $GreyList->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT tripple, timestamp, sessionid FROM \"greylisting\"".
               " WHERE \"tripple\" = ? ;") ||
md_syslog('warning', 'Greylist: Problem on Query: '. $GreyList->errstr) &&
       return ('CONTINUE', 'OK');
    while ( $row = $query->fetchrow_hashref )  {
       if ($row->{'sessionid'} eq $id) {
md_syslog('warning', 'Greylist: Session didnt end, reject again');
return ('TEMPFAIL', 'Greylisting active, please try again later');
       } else {
               if ( int($row->{'timestamp'}) <= $timestamp) {
                  md_syslog('warning', 'greylist_delete: '.$tripple );
$query= $GreyList->prepare("DELETE FROM \"greylisting\" WHERE".
                           " \"tripple\" = ?") ||
md_syslog('warning', 'Greylist: Problem on delete: '. $GreyList->errstr) &&
                       return ('CONTINUE', 'OK');
                  return ('CONTINUE', 'OK');
              } else {
               md_syslog('warning', "Greylist: come back later: $tripple");
return ('TEMPFAIL', 'Greylisting active, please try again later');
    md_syslog('warning', "greylist_insert: $tripple, $id" );
    $insert = $GreyList->prepare("INSERT INTO \"greylisting\"".
       " (\"tripple\", \"sessionid\", \"timestamp\", \"datestamp\")".
       " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);") ||
md_syslog('warning', 'Greylist: Problem inserting: '. $GreyList->errstr) &&
       return ('CONTINUE', 'OK');
    $insert->execute($tripple, $id, $now, $datestamp) ||
md_syslog('warning', "Greylist: couldn't insert tripple $tripple, $id, $timestamp,".
$GreyList->errstr) && return ('CONTINUE', 'OK');

    return ('TEMPFAIL', 'Greylisting active, please try again later');
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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