On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 10:03:05AM -0400, David F. Skoll wrote:
> > Erm, actually, I just tested this (sendmail 8.13.7, no mimedefang),
> > using "O DeliveryMode=i", and, yes, it delays the "OK" until after
> > processing the message, but it does not propagate the error... it
> > just bounces it.
> Really? :-(  Well then, what's the point of "Interactive" mode?
> Seems like a bug to me.

The documentation says it's not supposed to be used in the SMTP
server. Interactive mode is probably only for those that directly
start the sendmail binary. Maybe even just as a convenience for the
"-v" switch.

You really don't want interactive delivery, anyway. You want some
sort of best-effort error-propagationable (*) delivery attempt,
falling back to queued delivery if it isn't happening pronto.

(*) yes, I'm aware propagationable isn't a word :)

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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