The main problem I see with yours is that it doesn't compensate for
localhost (  Mine (below) checks three IP addresses:
localhost (, our internal NAT'ed network (192.168.10.x), and
our external public IP address (in this example, I used

Anyhow, here's a copy of the one I personally use.  I hope it helps.


sub filter_sender () {
   my($sender, $hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;

   # Can't be "" unless it's one of our IP's.
   if ($helo =~ /(^|.)ourdomain\.com$/i)
      if ( ! ($hostip =~ "^192.168.10") && ($hostip ne "") &&
($hostip ne "") )
         md_syslog('warning', "Host $hostip said HELO $helo");
         return(0, "Go away. $hostip is not a machine");
   # The hostname better match the helo string.
   if (($helo =~ /^(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})$/) &&
($hostip ne $helo))
      md_syslog('warning', "Host $hostip claims to be $helo");
      return (0, "Header forgery attempt, $ip claims to be $helo")
   return (1, "OK");

> Hi all,
>    When I insert this snippet into my mimedefang-filter my slaves all get 
> busy and shut down......any Ideas?
> Don Killen
> sub filter_sender {
>   my($sender, $ip, $name, $helo) = @_;
>   return('CONTINUE', "OK") if ($ip eq "");   # no further 
> checking if localhost
>   if ($helo =~ /(^|.)$/i) {
>     if ($ip !~ /^72.242.108./) {
>           return('REJECT', "Connect rejected - $ip is not");
>     }
>   }
>   return('CONTINUE', "OK");
> }

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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