Damrose, Mark wrote:

>The problem seems to be a combination of how MD initializes Sys::Syslog and 
>Fedora's syslogd
>    sub md_openlog ($$) {
>        my($tag, $facility) = @_;
>        $MDOpenLogCalled = 1;
>        if ($Features{"Unix::Syslog"}) {
>            my $num_fac = convert_log_facility_to_number($facility);
>            openlog($tag, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, $num_fac);
>        } else {
>            if ("no" eq "yes") {
>                unless (defined(setlogsock('unix'))) {
>                    setlogsock('inet');
>                }
>            } else {
>                setlogsock('inet');
>            }
>            openlog($tag, "pid,ndelay", $facility);
>        }
>    }
>Now I don't claim to be a wizard at perl, but to my eyes ("no" eq "yes") will 
>never evaluate to true, so Sys::Syslog will always open with 'inet' which 
>forces Sys::Syslog to communicate with syslogd via port 514 on an IP address.

Ok, I changed the "no" to "yes".  That should fix it.

The previous version of mimedefang.pl did indeed have it set to
"yes", not sure why... Perhaps that's how it was released in 2.57 (or
whatever I had been running...) ... err...  no.  Because FC5 was
released with 2.57 as well.

Well, in that case, I don't know.

BTW:  It makes sense to not have the inet listener for syslog (Solaris
as you pointed out, does this... but so does HP-UX)....  that's one
less portal for vulnerability exploits or DoS attacks.


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