Hi David and all, Just one more comment on SPF. I don't have stats to back this up, but I see pleny of e-mails with SPF fails in spamassassin. It helps to increase the score, I also score a fail quite a little high as I seem to get quite a bit of bogus mail claiming to be people in my organization. I am smart enough to realize this, but not all my employees are!

I also find it very easy to whitelist people that publish SPF.

For folks on the road, there are plenty of workable solutions.

We use OpenVPN, which works well if both ends are running Linux.
Because of deficiencies in Windoze's "TUN" implementation, it's a bit
more painful to get it working on that platform, but we managed it.

We use cyrus-SASL with sendmail. Very easy to setup in freeBSD and our user can send and pop mail via our server from where ever they are. If we have any freeBSD users interested, I am happy to share my notes on remote SMTP authentication.


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