> > i tried to use the fqdn helo check provided as an example in the wiki.
> > when trying to send an email using a non-fqdn helo command, it is
> > rejected after mail from, not right after helo, as the manpages
> > suggests. is it possible to have mimedefang work as described, and
> > reject the mail right before mail from?

> No, because milter doesn't allow that.

And I'm kinda glad about this, because when my users have problems, they
usually tell me "I'm not getting email from so-and-so...", and having the
"MAIL FROM" data in the log entries at the time a bad HELO is kicked out,
makes it easier to grep the logfiles for the problem, given the way the user
phrases the problem.  I log sender, recipient, and IP at earliest
opportunity, and can then capture the Sendmail queue ID for further


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