On Sun, Dec 03, 2006 at 10:05:52AM -0800, David Nelson wrote:
> Is it normal or abnormal to run spamassassin --lint and get messages
> like this:
> [49560] info: rules: meta test FM_EMPTY_MSG has undefined dependency
> [49560] info: rules: meta test FC_SPECIAL04 has dependency 'HTML_70_80'
> with a zero score
> [49560] info: rules: meta test DRUGS_ERECTILE has undefined dependency
> etc...
> My guess is that there's something wrong here...  I download rules
> primarily via RDJ and a couple of fetches for rulesets that aren't part
> of RDJ.

This is not unusual, especially with RDJ.

Note that the DRUGS_ERECTILE warning goes away if you run sa-update
(the updates contain a new version of that rule that excludes

> Is there a really nifty cool (preferably fast) way to figure out what's
> missing so I can get it corrected?

Not really, unless you count:

grep -r RULENAME {/var/lib,/usr{,/local}/share,/etc}/spamassassin

(but see "man spamassassin" for the list of directories where your
spamassassin takes its configuration from).

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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