Jan-Pieter Cornet wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 02:51:22PM -0600, Michael Sims wrote:
>> Mike Lambert wrote:
>>> Michael Sims wrote:
>>>> Ah.  So you're saying that sendmail doesn't provide the PTR record
>>>> to the milter unless it has verified that forward and reverse
>>>> match? That certainly seems to be what I'm seeing here.
>> Hmmm, it doesn't seem to have any effect, unfortunately. No biggie,
>> my Net::DNS solution is working fine so I'll stick with that for now.
>> Thanks for the help...
> Or use: $SendmailMacros{'_'}, that always contains whatever you see
> in the Received header, including the "(may be forged)".

Nice!  That works like a champ.  Thanks, that'll save me a useless DNS lookup 
in the
case that the relay actually doesn't have a PTR at all...

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