On 16 Dec 2006 at 0:08, Jan-Pieter Cornet wrote:

> Note, by the way, that you really want to test this at RCPT To time,
> so you can exempt addresses like abuse@ and postmaster@ from the DNS
> blacklists, so users who are incorrectly placed on those blacklists
> can still contact you.

This brings up another question that's somewhat related to David's not
accepting e-mail for "postmaster" from "<>".

What's the thought about rejecting an e-mail to postmaster, abuse, 
etc., if there are other recipients that aren't in the "required to 
exist" RFC list?

Basically, what I do now is look for those key addresses in 
filter_recipient and don't reject at that stage if it is one of those,
and then in filter_begin I scan the @Recipients list for any of them, 
and also don't reject (except for viruses).

But, some spam creeps through that is addressed to at least one of them 
and some other address.

Jeff Rife |  

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