Dear All,

Iam installing mimedefang while configuring the mimedefang i am facing below problem, it is stoping there while running the ./configure
Please help me in this regard.

Linga Reddy

*** Virus scanner detection results:
H+BEDV   'antivir'   NO (not found)
Vexira   'vascan'    NO (not found)
NAI      'uvscan'    NO (not found)
BDC      'bdc'       NO (not found)
Sophos   'sweep'     NO (not found)
TREND    'vscan'     NO (not found)
CLAMSCAN 'clamav'    YES - /usr/local/bin/clamscan
AVP      'AvpLinux'  NO (not found)
AVP5     'aveclient' NO (not found)
KAVSCANNER 'kavscanner' NO (not found)
CSAV     'csav'      NO (not found)
FSAV     'fsav'      NO (not found)
FPROT    'f-prot'    NO (not found)
SOPHIE   'sophie'    NO (not found)
NVCC     'nvcc'      NO (not found)
CLAMD    'clamd'     YES - /usr/local/sbin/clamd
TROPHIE  'trophie'   NO (not found)

Make sure clamd runs as the defang user!
  ...and make sure you use clamd version 0.67 or higher.

Found Mail::SpamAssassin.  You may use spam_assassin_* functions
Did not find Anomy::HTMLCleaner.  Do not use anomy_clean_html()
Found HTML::Parser.  You may use append_html_boilerplate()

Note: SpamAssassin, HTML::Parser and Anomy::HTMLCleaner are
detected at run-time, so if you install or remove any of those modules, you
do not need to re-run ./configure and make a new

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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