--On Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:36 PM -0900 Matthew Schumacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This doesn't work because most of the people using the mail system use
POP3.  I would love for people to ditch pop3, but due to poor support
for IMAP in "widely-used-but-marginal" (as David puts it) clients make
IMAP pretty lame.

Mulberry recently went free, and will go open-source soon. (The author is cleaning up the build before releasing it.) It has only primitive support for HTML email and doesn't display images or other non-text content (this of course can also be viewed as a feature), but it's the best IMAP client available. Configuration is complex, but I particularly like the inheritance model of configuration it uses, where subfolders default to a parent folder's configuration, and accounts and identities can inherit configuration from other objects of the same type.

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