On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 08:07:04AM -0900, Matthew Schumacher wrote:
[...list of sendmail-8.14 milter API extensions...]
> That last feature would be very nice if MD fetched a few key things such as:

You already have this, NOW!
> SSL status.

See %SendmailMacros, especially keys: {tls_version}, {cipher},
    {cipher_bits}, {cert_subject}, {cert_issuer}

See op.{me,txt,ps} in the sendmail documentation about the meaning
of those.

> SMTP AUTH status.

See %SendmailMacros, keys: {auth_type}, {auth_authen}, {auth_ssf},

> Mailbox that email address resolves to for delivery.

See the $rcpt_mailer, $rcpt_host, $rcpt_addr arguments to
filter_recipient ($rcpt_addr contains the mailbox if
$rcpt_mailer eq "local").

Or in filter_begin(), filter() or filter_end() you'd use
the %RecipientMailers array.

if ( $RecipientMailers{$recip}[0] eq "local" )
    $mailbox = $RecipientMailers{$recip}[2];
> I'm sure there is more, but those are the things that I could use.

Well, have fun! :)

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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