Jason Bertoch wrote:
I've been running MD for many years with $MaxMIMEParts = 50 set in my filter and
it finally triggered on a message yesterday.  The sender claims he only attached
a couple of image files and a pdf, but I'm having someone I trust verify that
claim.  In the mean time, is 50 still considered a sane limit?  It seems so to
me.  Also, would it be possible for a pdf to somehow appear as multiple MIME


Not answering your question as I think it might be more complex as the # of parts might not be available from MIME::Parser or returned from the parse instance. I'm sure there is a solution but it's not the output of a simple variable. David, might be nice to make the MIME::Parser return undef and set a var for max parts found so the discard/bounce/etc. action can state more information like found 250 parts and 50 parts allowed.

md_syslog('warning', "DEBUG: MaxMIMEParts found

I found I couldn't use MaxMIMEParts. From memory, I believe I found that Digests for mailing lists from Mailman could use a lot of MIME Parts to attach all the emails. I only notated this message below and I was already at 100!

#$MaxMIMEParts = 100;

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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