Cliff Hayes wrote:
Les Mikesell wrote:
It is fairly difficult to imagine a box that is still running today that
couldn't handle a GUI

The 42 servers I manage range in age from old to new, Fedora 4 thru 12,
ubuntu, and Windows.  None will ever see a "user" who would benefit from a
GUI ... only me remoting in to tweak/repair.

The server themselves don't need a GUI - but having one on the machine where you have tools to manage them will make your work easier even if all you do is run a bunch of xterms with ssh to the others.

> IMHO GUIs are great for users but
unnecessary overhead on servers.  Three of the boxes are Windows so I have
no choice there.  I must be in the minority since there appears to be no
call for a web version of watch-mimedefang.

The nature of X is that you can run single applications in a remote window, so all you need on the servers are the basic X libs, and they are only loaded when you run a graphic application. The real overhead is in the desktop environment which can be elsewhere.

I'll have to give up on the
cgywin as it took half a day (and 1G of hard drive space) to attempt to set
up the logistics for it and I still can't establish the ssh relationship
necessary for it to work.

Most of the time goes into building and installing all the local fonts. How did it fail for you? Did 'startx' give you the X screen with some open xterms? Could you 'ssh -Y' to your server from one of them? If you got that far, starting a remote program should have worked. You should even be able to use putty on the windows side if you set up the X tunnel option - I've forgotten if you need to set up the DISPLAY environment.

  Les Mikesell

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