On 3/16/2010 11:08 AM, Jason Bertoch wrote:

        I found it well written and could certainly find a use for it with new
employees and support technicians.  It may not be relevant to your target
audience, but I thought a useful addition to the DNS Transport section might be
to mention firewall restriction of DNS packets to 512 bytes as another common

I also wonder if it might be worth while mentioning that DNS can source from a 
port other than 53.
For those configured intricate firewall policies, this could trip them up on 
the outbound side as well.

Ooo, and maybe mention (although possibly not a '101' subject) the TXT record 
used for things like SPF? (although maybe no longer relevant)

This is nice. I'm going to link it on my website.


Ben Kamen - O.D.T., S.P.
Email: bkamen AT benjammin DOT net              Web: http://www.benjammin.net
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