On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:57 PM, David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com> wrote:
>> What is your secret to remembering hundreds of unique passwords?  Or
>> forgetting the old ones as they change?
> I use a password-keeper app called "TkPasman" (sadly no longer maintained.)
> It encrypts your password list using OpenSSL and a master password.  Make
> sure that's secure and that your password list is physically protected.

Thanks - but I probably use at least a dozen different devices in the
course of a day (win/mac/linux/android, at least) and am not very good
at planning to be on the right one at the right time and worse, some
are firewalled from each other.   Is there some way to handle that
without trusting them all to some random outside service?

   Les Mikesell
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