On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Anne Bennett wrote:

A belated thanks for the patch!  ;-)  What are you using now
for anti-virus?

No problem :-)

Personally and professionally I've used ClamAV (via clamd) for a long time. I actually used to be a "team member" pre-Cisco, pre-SourceFire.

I've used Avira AntiVir, but this happened:

I've used F-PROT for Linux Workstations:
(but do not right now)

I have not done much recent Linux anti-virus related work for client servers, but many of the ones that I used to use or at least test years ago have gone the way of the Dodo: Sophie, Trophie (+ TrendMicro), File::Scan, OpenAntiVirus, ...

Not sure if McAfee/NAI/Intel uvscan is still around or not, but from what I remember that was very resource intensive to run the binary over and over every time, using a tmpfs or other RAM-based filesystem or not.

I'm not involved with any environment right now where I have to worry about a large number of users and their mail, beyond making sure it gets delivered. I have a client ISP that actually does no anti-virus scanning incoming or outgoing, only recommends anti-virus software for them to install on their PC. They do have a conservative MIMEDefang filter and SpamAssassin though.


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