On Mar 21, 2014, at 2:30 PM, David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:43:22 +0100
> Lars Bjærris <l...@daxzuli.com> wrote:
>> sub filter_relay {
>>        my ( $ip, $name, $helo) = @_;
>>        if (relay_is_blacklisted($ip, ‘zen.spamhaus.org’)) {
>>        return(‘REJECT’, ‘You are listed in zen.spamhaus.org’);
>>        }
>> }
> You don't return anything meaningful if the relay is *not* blacklisted.
> You need to add:
>    return ('CONTINUE', 'OK');
> after the closing brace that terminates the if statement.
> Regards,
> David.


Thank you very much!

Lars Bjaerris
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