On 4/25/2014 2:06 PM, Jon Rowlan wrote:
> Should I go for a compile my own do you think Matt?

I suppose that, if you don't have problems, 2.71 is fine.  Attached is
the change log since 2.71 to help you decide.

OTOH, it's not difficult to compile & install MIMEdefang, as long as you
have some familiarity with the general process of working with
Autoconf and Make files, etc..  The hard part will be the perl module
dependencies, as some of what you have may be too old to work with the
latest MD.  In that case, there's always CPAN.  But that adds extra hassle.

Personally, on my mail servers, I always build sendmail, mimedefang,
spamassassin, and clamav from source. (Even if the distro has
up-to-date packages.)

My advice would be to stick with what your distro gives you, unless
you encounter problems, or just want to have fun installing 2.74
yourself.  :)
WARNING: Before upgrading MIMEDefang, please search this file for
*** NOTE INCOMPATIBILITY ** to see if anything has changed that might
affect your filter.

2013-05-27 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * MIMEDefang 2.74 RELEASED

2013-05-25 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Increase buffer size for md-mx-ctrl responses.

2013-01-22 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Close input file handle in append_to_html_part.  Bug found by
        Kees Theunissen.

2012-09-17 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Add action_add_entity function.

        * Simplify code in action_replace_with_warning.

2012-06-18 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Remove obsolete text from man page.

        * Avoid deprecated "defined(@array)" construct.

2012-03-27 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Implement new "load1" md-mx-ctrl command which gives statistics
        in more useful format than "load"

        * get_mx_ip_addresses: Treat MX records of '', '.', '0', '0.', '0
        .' and '0 ' as bogus.

        * watch-multiple-mimedefangs.tcl: Major improvements; see the
        new -n, -r, -s and -t command-line options.

2012-02-07 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Add rcpt_addr, rcpt_host and rcpt_mailer to default set of
        macros that we ask for.

        * Log Sendmail queue ID in more places.

        * Remove dead "connect_to_socket" routine in mimedefang.pl

        * Do not invokve smfi_setsymlist unless "-y" option to
        mimedefang is given.  smfi_setsymlist leaks memory in versions
        of Sendmail prior to 8.14.4.

2012-01-23 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * MIMEDefang 2.73 RELEASED

2012-01-20 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Create /var/spool/MIMEDefang with mode 0750 by default.

2012-01-18 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Make the -G option cause files created by mimedefang to
        be group-readable.  Add the new MD_ALLOW_GROUP_ACCESS init script

2011-12-21 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Make the multiplexor snoop in on communications and save the
        Sendmail queue-ID for logging purposes.  It logs the queue ID when
        logging a slave's STDERR.

2011-12-12 David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * Make configure.in check whether or not libmilter requires -lldap.

        * Fix Graphdefang to handle new md_syslog output style.

        * Always check return code from chdir() in mimedefang.pl.  In
        certain cases on large and heavily-loaded servers, if the chdir()
        failed MIMEDefang would end up working in the wrong directory with
        attendant chaos.

        * Add "-G" option to mimedefang and mimedefang-multiplexor.  This
        makes their sockets group-readable and group-writable.

        * Pass along the client port number, server IP address and server port
        number to all filter functions.  This feature was sponsored by Scayl.

2011-07-20  David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * MIMEDefang 2.72 RELEASED

2011-06-20  David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * MIMEDefang 2.72-BETA-2

        * The "make unstripped" target has disappeared.  Instead,
        use:  make INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG=''

        * The RPM_INSTALL_ROOT make variable has disappeared.  Instead,
        use the standard DESTDIR:  make install DESTDIR=/some/dir

        * In mimedefang.c, truncate overlong responses from the multiplexor.
        Also sanitize replies so "\r" doesn't get fed to smfi_setmlreply.

        * If a slave process replies with a very long reply, have the
        multiplexor consume (and discard) the excess input so the
        multiplexor-to-slave protocol does not become de-synchronized.

2011-06-16  David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * When mimedefang becomes a daemon, have it wait for a
        "go/no-go" message from the child before exiting.  This should
        eliminate race conditions whereby the MTA starts before the
        milter socket is present.

        * Revert change in 2.72-BETA-1 that passed client port number.
        It was a hack; we need a proper way to pass largish amounts of
        information to the filter and that will have to wait for a major
        reworking of MIMEDefang.

2010-11-01  David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * MIMEDefang 2.72-BETA-1

        * Avoid run-time errors from Unix::Syslog on some platforms.

        * Change md_syslog to log the Sendmail Queue-ID if it is

        * Pass SMTP client port number to filter_relay, filter_helo,
        filter_sender and filter_recipient.  Also make it available
        to filter_begin/filter/filter_end in $RelayPort global variable.

        * Remove references to ParanoidFiler.

2010-08-18  David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com>

        * MIMEDefang 2.71 RELEASED

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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