I am installing a new mail server on Scientific Linux 6.5.
What is the recommended way to install clam for mimedefang?
I have used binaries in the past but would prefer to use yum package unless binaries are better for some reason. I have listed the available packages below ... clamd won't install via yum ... i get a message that it was obsoleted by clamav. I see examples on the internet that mimedefang can fall back to clamscan if clamd fails but I don't know which packages to load to enable that. Now that clamd is no longer available, what is the recommended course of action?

clamav-db.x86_64 : Virus database for clamav

clamd.x86_64 : The Clam AntiVirus Daemon

clamav.x86_64 : Anti-virus software

Thanks in advance.

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