On Fri, 7 Nov 2014 13:06:29 -0500
"Dale Moore" <dale.mo...@cs.cmu.edu> wrote:

> Client: Helo naughtywords
> Mimedefang filter_helo: return('REJECT', 'I do not like
> naughtywords'); Server: 220 somehost.cs.cmu.edu Hello
> someclient.cs.cmu.edu [128.2.x.x], pleased to meet you

> Client: Mail From:<somevalidaddr...@cs.cmu.edu>
> Mimedefang filter_sender: return('CONTINUE');
> Server: 554 5.7.1 I do not like naughtywords


> Explanations appreciated.

Check the Sendmail source.  It seems to me that the version I checked
(8.14.5) lets the HELO go by successfully even if the milter says not to.


NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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