I am having the system with sendmail, mimedefang and spamassassin.
Mimedefang is running with the below options.

Same here.


We are using


I think MX_MINIMUM is greater than we need. The reason we pushed it up high was that the previous hardware we used would load-spike when it started up new perl processes, so we wanted to avoid starting up multiple slaves when a large batch of messages suddenly comes in. Better to have some idle slaves ready to take them. The new hardware does not have that problem, but the idle processes don't use up any significant resources so we left it alone pending further analysis at a future date.

In a day I am getting the below error multiple times. By looking at
the md-mx-ctrl rawstats, all the 80 slaves are busy at that time. We
are receiving around 500 e-mails in a minute.

mimedefang-multiplexor[2500]: No free slaves


Unless that's rare it means something is not sized correctly. Running 80 busy processes at once sounds pretty intense. What's the system load when that happens? How long do they take to handle each message? I wonder if something in the filter is running slow. As Kevin McGrail replied, it does all depend on what the hardware can do, and I like the idea of timing the processes.

As you can see we hold it to 50. We did get "No free slaves" yesterday for 9 seconds on one of the ten hosts. Most days it does not happen.

I read that the e-mails sent during this time would be retried by the
other MTA automatically, but I am seeing it as lost.

Yes, MD tells sendmail to give a temp fail, and if the remote system implements SMTP it will re-try. But you end up with delayed mail and user complaints, at best. If you receive from end-user devices some of them do not know how to queue and re-try and that is where temp fail becomes a permanent fail.

-- Joseph Brennan, Columbia U I T

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