On Tue, 24 May 2016 15:12:59 +0100
Dave Osbourne <d...@osbourne.uk.eu.org> wrote:

> I'm not a great help, but I think that I've seen that if there is any 
> STDOUT in anything (either the PERL or anything it calls) ... any
> errors or debugging have to go to a file...

Yes, anything going to STDOUT will mess things up royally... but probably
by causing a complaint from the multiplexor and not the milter.

The error message: cmd read returned 0, expecting 5

means that the Sendmail end of the milter state machine expected to read
5 characters from mimedefang, but got EOF instead.

I would try fixing the SpamAssassin problem to see if that fixes everything.
There's no point in trying to debug two problems at once.


NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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