On 24 Sep 2017, at 17:13, Michael Fox wrote:

Dianne will likely give a definitive authoritative answer but having
adapted the MD startup script to multiple system control environments, I
don't see anything especially risky. The only potential issue I can
think of is if you're trying to shut down or reboot in a pathological
circumstance where the mimedefang.pl worker perl sub-processes refuse to
exit and the supervisory process (e.g. init) has no last resort
mechanism to arbitrarily slaughter hung children. There's nothing quite
so annoying as a "hung going down" system.

Thanks Bill,

That makes sense.

One option would be for the MIMEDefang team to provide the necessary systemd control files (whatever they're called).

They are called "unit files" but including one in the base code would not help.

That way, they could define restart any way they like, such as "stop wait" followed by "start".

Nope. A service definition in a unit file has an ExecStart definition and maybe an ExecStop definition, but there is no support in systemd for an ExecRestart attribute. It's a design flaw in systemd, which ALWAYS implements "systemctl restart" as a stop then a start.

I know systemd is hated by many.

Don't get me started...

But it is what Ubuntu 16.04 LTS uses.

So it's the Ubuntu/Debian package maintainer's job to create a suitable unit file just as they've created their own init script.
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