On 2 Oct 2017, at 4:03, Thomas Kristensen wrote:


I got this problem that the reload function doesnt reload my rules.

Nothings happens when i use the reload, i have to stop mimedefang and start it again to use the changes made in mimedefang-filter.

This is platform-specific. If your platform uses systemd, the command "systemctl reload mimedefang" doesn't reload the mimedefang-filter, it only reloads the systemd definition of the mimedefang service, which effectively does nothing. To get your system to reload the mimedefang-filter, use the md-mx-ctrl tool:

   md-mx-ctrl reread

OR if you are not using the mimedefang-multiplexor (which I think everyone should...) you can keep using the systemctl stop and start functions while screaming curses at the abomination that is systemd and its deeply ignorant design.
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