-----Original Message-----
From: NightStrike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 6/4/2008 9:22 AM
To: Smith-Rowland, Edward M
Cc: mingw-w64-public@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Mingw-w64-public] Starting with 64-bit mingw...
On 6/3/08, Smith-Rowland, Edward M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I am struggling with getting started in mingw 64-bit.  I am running WinXP64.  
> I downloaded and installed the latest Cygwin package and installed the base 
> system and the (presumably 32-bit tool chain) and make.  I am hoping to 
> install the 64-bit tool chain somewhere as well.
> I just installed the latest snapshot:
> mingw-w64-bin_i686-cygwin-1.5.25-12_20080521.tar.bz2
> I put the tarball in /usr in my cygwin setup and unpacked it.  It seemed to 
> install compilers and headers and libraries in a parallel directory structure 
> to the existing compiler.
> I commented all the interesting calls out of a C++ test driver.  What is left 
> is a loop and some
> std::cout printing and some arithmetic.  I compile it with 
> x86_64-pc-mingw32-g++ and it compiles no problem.
> When I run it it crashes during the first iteration.  This is the same 
> behavior I've gotten from the previous snapshots of the 64-bit compilers too.

Some more information on this crash will be very helpful.  What
exactly do you see?

> I can compile static things with just gfortran but almost anything involving 
> C++ just fails.  I can compile and run "Hello, World" in 64-bits
> The test driver compiles and runs just fine under the base cygwin compiler.
> How/where are we supposed to install these compilers?  Do I have the right 
> package?

You can install them anywhere, they don't have to be in /usr.  You can
for instance put them in /mytoolchain or whatever.  Then just put
/mytoolchain/bin in your PATH, and execute
x86_64-pc-mingw32-(toolname) as you have done.

If you're using cygwin, you need to use the same version as the
cygwint hat you have.  I think cygwin updated their runtime dll to a
version newer that 1.5.25-12, which is what that particular version
you downloaded is compiled against.

The crash is very quiet.
I have this:

    for ( int r = 1; r < 10; ++r )
        float rrate = r * 10.0F;
        std::cout << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Rain rate = " << rrate << " mm/hr" << std::endl;

The output is:

  Rain rate = 
without a newline at the end.  It bombs at outputting the float.  No messages 
are put out.

Now I'm trying to download and build the tool chain from svn with a script.  
When I run this makebuildroot.sh it starts with a cvs download of binutils.  It 
times out.  Now it's been a while since I've used cvs and I never dug into it 
that much anyway.  Is there anything I need to set up for this?

I'm hoping that a bootstrap of everything into some build directory would get 
past any version inconsistencies.



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