On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 9:03 PM, Jim Michaels <jmich...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I don't know who to go to to make this change request to the c library
> standard (ANSI C Library?).
> it would not break any existing code, but it would make the function EVER
> more useful!

Microsoft maintains the library.  We just consume it.  You'd have to
bring this up with MS.

> in ctype.h, these macros should be redefined.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/45119yx3%28VS.80%29.aspx
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8h19t214%28VS.71%29.aspx
> #define toupper(ch) ((ch>='a'&&ch<='z')?ch-('a'-'A'):ch)
> #define tolower(ch) ((ch>='A'&&ch<='Z')?ch+('a'-'A'):ch)
> simple?
> the old definition simply subtracts and thus requires an if statement to
> properly work - so why did they bother to code this this way in the first
> place if they didn't want to plan on it being useful:
> if I am correct, the microsoft compiler does the same thing, and it was in
> the msdn documentation - until someone took it out.
> this is for the ascii definition version.  and I'm sure you can simply use a
> regular function for the rest (and I thought about inline as a possibility
> for the more complex stuff that needs real if statements).
> I am having to code my own versions of these.
> -------------
> Jim Michaels
> jmich...@yahoo.com
> j...@jimscomputerrepairandwebdesign.com
> http://JimsComputerRepairandWebDesign.com
> http://JesusnJim.com (my personal site, has software)
> http://DoLifeComputers.JesusnJim.com (group which I lead)
> ---
> Computer memory/disk size measurements:
> [KB KiB] [MB MiB] [GB GiB] [TB TiB]
> [10^3B=1,000B=1KB][2^10B=1,024B=1KiB]
> [10^6B=1,000,000B=1MB][2^20B=1,048,576B=1MiB]
> [10^9B=1,000,000,000B=1GB][2^30B=1,073,741,824B=1GiB]
> [10^12B=1,000,000,000,000B=1TB][2^40B=1,099,511,627,776B=1TiB]
> Note: disk size is measured in MB, GB, or TB, not in MiB, GiB, or TiB.
> computer memory (RAM) is measured in MiB and GiB.
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