On 23/07/11 18:15, NightStrike wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Eugen Dedu
> <eugen.d...@pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr>  wrote:
>> On 23/07/11 14:42, NightStrike wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Eugen Dedu
>>> <eugen.d...@pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr>    wrote:
>>>> On 22/07/11 15:38, Ozkan Sezer wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Eugen Dedu
>>>>> <eugen.d...@pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr>      wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> (I sent this to IRC but nobody answered.)
>>>>>> I have a big linux application and I use mingw to build it for windows
>>>>>> too.  When I use mingw32 everything goes well, but when I use mingw-w64
>>>>>> in 32bit mode and execute it on Windows I receive the error: application
>>>>>> has not been initialised correctly, error 0xc0000142.  I looked on
>>>>>> Internet, but nothing is useful (one page
>>>>>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838857 told that this is an error on
>>>>>> rights or some files, but the same application built with mingw32 works,
>>>>>> so there must be other thing).  What have I missed?
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Eugen
>>>>> If it is a c++ app, make sure that libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll is on your PATH
>>>>> )or put it in the same directory as your exe.)
>>>> It is a c++ application.  I do not find this file on my machine.
>>>> Stephen, is this file the same as
>>>> gcc-mingw-w64: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6/libgcc.a
>>>> ?  Could the .dll be included in debian package?
>>> What debian package?  Are you installing one of our packages, or one
>>> from your vendor?
>> It is the latest installed on debian gnu/linux distribution:
>> ||/ Name                Version             Description
>> +++-===================-===================-======================================================
>> ii  binutils-mingw-w64  Cross-binutils for Win32 and
>> Win64 using MinGW-w64
>> ii  gcc-mingw-w64       4.6.0-11            GNU Compiler Collection for
>> MinGW-w64
>> un  gcc-mingw-w64-boots<none>                (no description available)
>> ii  mingw-w64           1.0+20110523-1      Development environment
>> targetting 32- and 64-bit Wind
>> ii  mingw-w64-dev       1.0+20110523-1      Development files for MinGW-w64
> Do they break up each compiler by type?  Like, do you have to install
> a separate debian package to get the runtime libs for c++?

Each version of mingw-w64 breaks with previous one, as far as I 
understand; for ex. mingw-w64-dev version 1.0+20110523-1 breaks with 
gcc-mingw-w64 (<< 4.6.0).

In gcc-mingw-w64 he suggests to install libstdc++6-4.6-dev, but I have 
this package installed.

There is no other package to install for mingw-w64 development.

If you feel that there is a packaging issue (libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll file 
should have been installed by mingw-w64), I will contact debian maintainer.

>>>> Finally, could this information be added to a Web page (maybe
>>>> https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/mingw-w64/wiki/FAQ) explaining that
>>>> this dll is mandatory?
>>> It's a wiki, so you are free to edit it.  Typically, it's better to
>>> have those edits come from the user perspective, like yourself.  So,
>>> we'd be grateful if added to it.
>> Ok, I'll do it.

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