On 06/12/12 12:53, Earnie Boyd wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 5:11 AM, Jacek Caban wrote:
>> On 06/12/12 10:51, Jacek Caban wrote:
>>> On 06/12/12 07:06, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
>>>> On 2012-06-04 04:04, Jacek Caban wrote:
>>>>> Where? I don't see any. There is one change to propkeydef.h, but and I
>>>>> believe incorrect. Generally, this patch makes REFIID and similar
>>>>> typedefs depend on CINTERFACE, which is not present in MSVC.
>>>> According to these, it is:
>>>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ak5wyby1(v=vs.71).aspx
> Isn't this specific to COM and an IDL compiler?
> <quote>
> Remarks
> By default, only COM-interfaces that are base classes of the coclass
> are added in the IDL coclass. implements lets you force other
> interfaces to be IDL coclass members.
> </quote>

There is some misunderstanding here, perhaps I wasn't clear enough,
sorry. Let me explain it in more details.

IDL interfaces (and classes) have two forms. One is class-based for C++
and another is struct-based for C. Those are binary compatible as the C
version contains C++-compatible vtbls. It's possible to use C form of
interfaces from C++. That's what CINTERFACE does - it causes headers to
use C variant of interfaces even when compiled in C++. That's all fine
AFAIK in both mingw-w64 and mingw.org and the proposed patch doesn't
touch that part.

What the patch touches is REFIID type. It's a tricky type. That's a
macro invented to allow using C++ references and being still binary
compatible with C. REFIID is defined as |const IID&| for C++ and |const
IID*| for C. Since C++ references are just pointers under the hood, it
all works together just fine after compilation. My point is that
REFIID's form *should not* depend on CINTERFACE. It's language-specific
and that's the way MS designed it.

Yet mingw.org has it depended on CINTERFACE and cygwin followed that
bug. I do not think we want to propagate this bug even further to
mingw-w64. Still, we need a solution. I can see two solutions:

- cygwin fixes it on their side
Sadly, that will require some preprocessor tricks detecting which
variant of mingw is used.

- mingw-w64 would introduce bug-compatibility macro
Say we'd define REFIID to C form in C++ if __CRT_C_REFS is defined.
Cygwin could just define this macron on command line and not change the
code. The difference between this solution and proposed patch is that
app would have to explicitly request this behaviour, so MSVC-compatible
apps would be still fine.

>>>> http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en/vcgeneral/thread/80485378-3978-472b-ac76-a6a193cb9e47
>>>> http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/vclanguage/thread/9e520505-5d05-4aad-83d9-a1b73042c531
>>>> http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/vclanguage/thread/9b1b2189-c518-4cd8-80cc-2656b9c0d37f
> I didn't bother looking at social.msdn because it might influence me
> with code I don't want to see.
>>> If there is any source of informations more misleading than MSDN, that's
>>> MSDN forums:) Why do you need that change? That's not what mingw.org
>>> does nor MSVC, so why is it needed for your code? Can you please point
>>> me to the code that doesn't compile without this change?
>> I double checked and mingw.org apparently has this bug. Anyway, that's
>> still a bug on their side that I don't think we want to duplicate.
> We (mingw.org) doesn't support COM and never has.  A GCC supported IDL
> compiler would be great but whose going to pick up the support on
> that?

Well, mingw-w64 has already limited support for widl (Wine IDL compiler)
and I slowly improve it as a background project. It's sad that the way
current relationship between project look like, mingw.org would have to
duplicate those efforts. (Disclaimer: my primary project it Wine and I'm
mostly out of the loop about what's going on with mingw.org/mingw-w64,
so sorry if my impression is wrong  and don't take it as a voice of
mingw-w64 project). I have to ask about this: I've heard that mingw.org,
after RedHat's legal approval for mingw-w64, has no objections to use
mingw-w64's source. Why not to go one step further and simple use
mingw-w64 *instead* of w32api in mingw.org? That way even widl would
just work as good on mingw.org as it does on mingw-w64. That's just one
of many possible benefits. No efforts duplication, mingw.org wins a lot
of improvements, mingw-w64 wins more contributors. Has this been discussed?


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