On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Zouzou <inter...@123gen.com> wrote:
> On 30/11/12 15:29, NightStrike wrote:
>> In the autotools world, there is a very defined and extremely enforced
>> concept that above all, our goal is to make it *TRIVIAL* for the end
>> user to compile your software. Now let's clarify this.  The end user
>> is the guy who knows nothing about development, nor of your project,
>> nor of autotools, nor of anything else.  But he needs your project for
>> some reason.  We want that guy to be able to do this:
>> cd /tmp; /path/configure && make
>> And he can do that on ANY autotools project without knowing anything
>> about anything.  Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for THAT
>> guy.... **NOT** for the developers on our own project.  Kai or Ozkan
>> or Jon or anyone else on our team can figure out how to manage
>> whatever system we have in place with whatever dependencies we place
>> on them (like having a specific automake version).  And we can expect
>> project developers to have to learn at least enough to do basic things
>> for whatever system we choose.  Moreover, if making the end-user guy's
>> life easier requires making my/jon/kai/ozkan/etc's life harder...
>> that's ok, even if we kick and scream the whole way.  But if we make
>> "that guy" kick and scream... he'll just get fed up and use some other
>> project.
> Hi,
> Reading this got me slightly confused about who is expected to compile
> ironcrate. I was assuming it would be up to ironcrate developers; and
> that they would produce some sort of DLL made to replace msvcrt.dll. I
> thought it may have been like the now-extinct mingwm10: the compiler
> handles linking to it, while the developer just has to distribute the
> file along with his program.
> Is this instead going to be a more regular library that one just
> includes in one's project and compiles / links with?

Either way, it follows the same kind of paradigm.  The person
compiling the project is not a developer on the project.  He can be
any level of expertise, and any kind of user.  If we complicate that,
we don't get acceptance.

Ideas like "well, my desired type of user will know how to do this"
and "if you can't figure this out, you shouldn't be using it" are a
sure-fire way to get stuck in the rut of some of our competitors.  In
fact, it's one of the reasons why our project exists, and the guiding
principles of our success.

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