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Am 14.03.2013 10:37, schrieb JonY:
> On 3/14/2013 16:51, Rainer Emrich wrote:
>> I just kick in because Corrina is completly right. A common case as for
>> me, is to update the mingw-w64 runtime for an existing installation. So
>> what you want, is to compile the runtime in one go, configue, make, make
>> install. That's impossible for now. At the moment you have to install the
>> headers first and afterwards you are able to build and install the
>> runtime.
>> For me that work as so:
>> mkdir build cd build ../mingw-w64/configure cd mingw-w64-headers make 
>> make install cd .. ../mingw-w64/configure make make install
>> That's not how it should work. The ming-w64 package includes all what is 
>> neccessary to build. You don't need already installed headers. This 
>> requirement is wrong! You only have to make sure to use the headers
>> included in the package. That's as with any other software package.
>> Really no package I know of requires to install the package headers first
>> to build the package.
> You *have* to install the headers first as a prerequisite for the crt to 
> work. There are generated headers required for the CRT, not a plain and 
> simple -I.
No, that's wrong! The build machinery has to be smart to take this into
account. Even if you use generated headers, you don't need to install the
headers first. Eventually you have to build the generated headers before you
configure the runtime. But after that the right include path should do.

> You do NOT need to use the top level configure. The more I think of it, the
> more I think it was a bad idea.
No, that's the way it should work. But has to be improved. Maybe you have to
call the configure script for the crt from within the toplevel make.
I don't have the time to propose any patches for this issue at the moment, but
I'm sure that's feasible.


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