
I'm currently investigating a crash [1] in Qt that was caused by introducing 
SSE2 optimized code. My best guess is that, when calling _mm_loadu_si128 , the 
generated assembly actually chokes on non-aligned data.

This is the code line (with annotated assembly, from gdb):

__m128i a_data = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)ptr);
0x6b7f7df4  <+0x0049>         movdqa %xmm0,-0x28(%ebp)

You see that the _mm_loadu_si128 call, that should work for non-aligned memory 
addresses, actually is is implemented with movdqa, which is " Move Aligned 
Double Quadword".

So, do you think this is a bug, or am I on the wrong track here? If so, is it a 
gcc, or MinGW-w64 issue?



PS: I've been able to reproduce this with both Mingw-builds 
i686-4.8.2-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v3-rev2 and Mingw-builds 
x32-4.7.2-release-posix-sjlj-rev8 .

[1]: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-36807

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