Hi! You had to go and have an interesting problem, so I wrote a crappy 
sample :p  https://gist.github.com/mook/33abbeb13b6bb511fc21 - Note that 
I didn't close the handles that I should (see the various 
WaitForDebugEvent-related documentation).

On 11/14/2014 07:49 AM, Vincent Torri wrote:
> Hey,
> thanks for the answer. coments below
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 3:35 PM, lh_mouse <lh_mo...@126.com> wrote:
>> Possible solution:
>> 0) Load the debugee in suspended mode;
>> 1) Calculate the address of its entry point (typically mainCRTStartup or 
>> WinMainCRTStartup) from its PE header, since its header should now have been 
>> loaded into RAM;

If you're using debugging anyway, 
DEBUG_EVENT.u.CreateProcessInfo.lpStartAddress looks suspiciously like 
what the entry point would be anyway.  (In my tests - ran on Wine, not 
real Windows, because I don't have one of those handy anymore - it's 
_mainCRTStartup).  Of course, this solution won't work if somebody 
spawns their own children with DEBUG_PROCESS set for whatever reason.

>> 2) Overwrite the byte at that address with 0xCC (a.k.a. int3 instruction on 
>> both x86 and x64);
>> 3) Resume the process and it should hit the breakpoint, after all 
>> statically-linked DLLs have been loaded successfully, before any static 
>> constructors are invoked;
> shouldn't I have to wait a bit so that all the DLL are loaded ? It
> might take some time to load them, no ? That's what is done in the
> link that i have posted

No, since lh_mouse's solution traps the breakpoint instruction, you just 
wait until that breakpoint is hit. (Note that there's an additional 
breakpoint in the loader, you don't want that one - it's a bit early.) 
The solution you linked to patches it with an infinite loop, so it must 
poll for the loop to be hit.  The downside to breakpointing, of course, 
is that you must be the debugger in order to be able to catch that 

>> 4) Restore that byte;
>> 5) Inject your DLL;
(I didn't implement that part, because I'm lazy.  Beware ASLR, etc.)

>> 6) Resume the process as normal.

If you feel like code-splunking, I believe ConEmu has an implementation 
of hooking descendant processes (to redirect console output).  I have no 
idea how easy that is to read, though; I've never tried.


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