2015-07-28 14:44 GMT+02:00 Edward Diener <eldlistmaili...@tropicsoft.com>:

> On 7/28/2015 8:27 AM, Edward Diener wrote:
> > Without trying immediately to give specific code for what is a large
> > project, I am getting linker errors when trying to link a second shared
> > library which depends on a first shared library that has linked
> > successfully. The errors are:
> >
> >
> xml_wgrammar.o:xml_wgrammar.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTVN5boost7archive21xml_archive_exceptionE[__ZTVN5boost7archive21xml_archive_exceptionE]+0x20):
> > undefined reference to `virtual thunk to
> > boost::archive::archive_exception::what() const'
> >
> xml_wgrammar.o:xml_wgrammar.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTCN5boost7archive21xml_archive_exceptionE4_NS0_17archive_exceptionE[__ZTCN5boost7archive21xml_archive_exceptionE4_NS0_17archive_exceptionE]+0x38):
> > undefined reference to `virtual thunk to
> > boost::archive::archive_exception::what() const'
> > collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> >
> > The xml_wgrammar.o file is being linked into the second shared library.
> > The xml_wgrammar.cpp file includes xml_archive_exception.hpp. The
> > xml_archive_exception.hpp includes and derives from
> > archive_exception.hpp. Both xml_archive_exception and archive_exception
> > have their implementation in the first shared library and have their
> > necessary implementations exported. The implementation of
> > archive_exception::what() is exported in the first shared library and is
> > imported when seen by xml_wgrammar.cpp.
> >
> > What is so strange is that there is no call to archive_exception::what()
> > in the preprocessed output of xml_wgrammar.cpp.
> >
> > Does anybody have any idea what might be going on here before I take the
> > time to reduce this situation into a short enough fragment to show in a
> > subsequent thread in this post ?
> After adding an xml_archive_exception::what() implementation which just
> calls its base class archive_exception::what() implementation I now
> receive the linker errors:
> xml_wgrammar.o: In function `ZN5boost7archive21xml_archive_exceptionD1Ev':
> xml_archive_exception.hpp:34: undefined reference to `vtable for
> boost::archive::xml_archive_exception'
> xml_archive_exception.hpp:34: undefined reference to `vtable for
> boost::archive::xml_archive_exception'
> xml_archive_exception.hpp:34: undefined reference to `vtable for
> boost::archive::xml_archive_exception'
> xml_archive_exception.hpp:34: undefined reference to `VTT for
> boost::archive::xml_archive_exception'
> collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> Perhaps this will give someone an idea of what might be happening.

You're not linking to the boost_serialization library. At least on my
system (Linux) boost::archive::{xml_,}archive_exception::what() is defined

Add "-lboost_serialization" to your linker command or do the same through
your build system.
Note that Boost has #pragma lib ... to tell MSVC to link the required
libraries. GCC does not have such a functionality.

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