On 15.12.2015 14:05, Jacek Caban wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> On 12/15/15 7:20 AM, Vincent Torri wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am still working on Examine, my small valgrind-like memory leak
>> detector (http://vtorri.github.io/examine/) and I have 2 questions.
>> First, I recall that it works by doing DLL injection with
>> CreateRemoteThread, and API hooking by patching the IAT.
>> So Examine is working well, now, but I have 2 questions, about
>> _strdup() and malloc() :
>> 1) If I call malloc() in a program, it is detected by Examine. If I
>> call _strdup(), malloc is not detected at all, while MSDN says that
>> _strdup() "calls malloc to allocate storage space" (see
>> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y471khhc.aspx). Does someone
>> have an idea why malloc() is  not catched ?
> You could have more luck by hot
> patching malloc function itself, but I don't think it's the right solution.

AFAIK, gcc sanitizer does exactly that. Except that it was not ported to
W32/gcc (it works only on POSIX/gcc or W32/MSVC).

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