Hello list,

Since the update to gcc 6.1 in archlinux , running a 32-bits mingw-w64 
executable using iostream fails
in wine with the message "unimplemented function 
libstdc++-6.dll._ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev" (std::ios_base::Init::Init())

#include <iostream>
int main()


  std::cout << "Mo: " << 8.6 << std::endl;

  return 0;


It's fine with 64 bits targets, and ok if I downgrade to gcc 5.3, I also tried 
several versions of wine and building binutils git.

It's looks exactly like this reported bug in debian, but mine is for gcc 6.1, 
not 5.3.

Does anyone have the same problem, or is it just in arch ?


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