LRN, the author of the libitm patch of MSYS2 gcc package, suggested disabling 

[22:57:27] <lh_mouse> LRN, wasn't you the guy who wrote the enable-libitm patch 
for MSYS2 ?
[22:57:36] <lh_mouse> s/wasn't/weren't/
[22:57:42] <LRN> that is quite possible
[22:58:02] <lh_mouse> possible ? :S
[22:58:07] <LRN> I don't remember
[22:58:13] <lh_mouse> oh my god.
[22:58:46] <LRN> If i did do that, i'm sure it was accompanied by a "I have no 
idea what libitm does, i can only assure you that it compiles" disclaimer :)
[23:00:11] <lh_mouse> fair enough. you have answered what I was going to ask. :>
[23:00:59] <lh_mouse> no there isn't such a disclaimer.
[23:01:00] <lh_mouse>
[23:01:02] <m2bot> Title: MINGW-packages/0012-MinGW-w64-Enable-libitm.patch at 
master · Alexpux/MINGW-packages · GitHub (at
[23:01:31] <lh_mouse> Sweet! Somebody ate it!
[23:02:57] * mikedld|w (~mikedld|w@ has joined
[23:02:59] <LRN> the disclaimer might have been verbal only
[23:03:12] <LRN> i don't usually put stuff into .patch file headers
[23:03:51] * AmineKhaldi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)
[23:04:10] <lh_mouse> Well you should. Otherwise people would turn to you if it 
is broken. And it seems broken now.
[23:04:28] <LRN> yep, it was me
[23:05:09] <LRN> on 2014-01-21 i've updated gcc-4.8.2 package to the 2nd 
revision. Changelog states, among other things: "Build libatomic, libitm"
[23:05:30] * lh_mouse stretches himself.
[23:07:13] <LRN> On 2015-01-07 i've made gcc-4.9.2 package. Changelog states, 
beside the obligatory "Updated from upstream": "Don't build sanitizer and 
libitm (both fail at runtime)"
[23:07:53] <LRN> this was also the last gcc package i've made, i've been using 
that build since then
[23:09:06] <LRN> Most likely, i've found some example code for libitm, tried it 
out, and it didn't work, which prompted me to not to build libitm anymore
[23:09:15] <lh_mouse> I thought you should submit a Pull Request to remove that 
patch, should libitm be broken at runtime.
[23:10:07] <LRN> Well, i don't want to shift the blame here, but i'm not really 
involved into MSYS2 development directly
[23:10:55] <LRN> I do my own stuff, and then alexey picks it up (usually after 
my notification, sometimes by himself)
[23:11:07] <LRN> and i pick up his stuff whenever i update things
[23:11:25] <LRN> i guess i never told him about libitm, and he never asked
[23:11:38] <lh_mouse> That was the problem, exactly.
[23:12:09] <LRN> anyway: Now you know, and knowledge the battle!
[23:12:26] <lh_mouse> Would you mind my sending this conversion to MSYS2 ML? 
RiCON is waiting for a solution.
[23:14:16] <LRN> feel free to do so
[23:14:24] <lh_mouse> Thanks.

Best regards,

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