Hello Lefty!

I do think you have found a bug here, and it does appear to
be in the mingw-w64 code.  Disclaimer: I don't understand
this completely.

Further comments in line, below.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:52 PM, lhmouse <lh_mo...@126.com> wrote:
> More likely a bug in mingw-w64:
>     #include <stdio.h>
>     #include <math.h>
>     volatile double x = 10.001000, y = -1.299000;
>     int main(){
>         int quo;
>         double rem = remquo(x, y, &quo);
>         printf("rem = %f, quo = %d\n", rem, quo);
>     }
> With mingw-w64 this program gives the following output:
>     E:\Desktop>gcc test.c
>     E:\Desktop>a
>     rem = -0.391000, quo = 0

I get the same result as you in a c++ test program using:

   g++ (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 4.9.2

> However, according to ISO C11 draft:
>> The remquo functions
>> 2 The remquo functions compute the same remainder as the remainder 
>> functions. In
>> the object pointed to by quo they store a value whose sign is the sign of 
>> x/y and whose
>> magnitude is congruent modulo 2n to the magnitude of the integral quotient 
>> of x/y, where
>> n is an implementation-defined integer greater than or equal to 3.
> the value stored in `quo` must have the same sign with `x/y`.
> In the above example, since `x/y`, which is about -7.699, is negative,
> returning a non-negative value (zero in the above example) should be a bug.

I agree with lh_mouse's reading of the standard, and that
quo should be negative to match the sign of x / y.

Here is my imperfect analysis of what is going on.

First, I found a copy of remquo.S here:


(but I don't understand it).

I also found a "softmath" copy of remquo.c here:


(I have no idea whether remquo.c is equivalent in detail to

   #include "softmath_private.h"

   double remquo(double x, double y, int *quo)
       double r;

       if (isnan(x) || isnan(y)) return NAN;
       if (y == 0.0)
           errno = EDOM;
           __mingw_raise_matherr (_DOMAIN, "remquo", x, y, NAN);
           return NAN;

       r = remainder(x, y);
       if (quo) *quo = (int)((x - r) / y) % 8;
       return r;

First, the expression "(int)((x - r) / y)" is undefined
behavior when (x - r) / y is too large for an int.  (This
can easily happen with floats and doubles.)  (remquo.S
uses the intel floating-point instruction fprem1, and
therefore -- if written correctly -- should not have this

But ignoring the possible integer overflow, the error here,
which is the result lh_mouse gets in his test, is that if

   (int)((x - r) / y)

is a multiple of 8, then

  (int)((x - r) / y) % 8

will evaluate to zero, losing the sign information.

In lh_mouse's test case

   x / y = -7.699

which rounds-to-nearest to -8, which equals 0 mod 8.

How might one fix this (in c code)?  My reading of the
standard says that quo doesn't have to be exactly the
last three bits -- or even the last n bits -- of

   (int)((x - r) / y)

Rather, it only has to be congruent to this mod 8.

So (ignoring overflow in the integer conversion), one
could do something like this:

    r = remainder(x, y);
    if (quo) *quo = (int)((x - r) / y) % 8;
    if (quo  &&  *quo == 0  &&  x/y < 0.0)  *quo = -16;
    return r;

(Here, we are deeming the sign of 0 to be positive.  I don't
know whether this would be language-lawyer consistent with
the standard, but for two's-complement integers, zero does
have the "positive" sign bit.)

The core problem is that the integer quotient could be a
large, negative multiple of 8 (and not even fit in an int).
In such a case, quo has to preserve the sign of x/y, so it
can't be 0. but there's no obvious favored (congruent mod 8)
approximation to x/y (other than 0, which we can't use), so
you might as well just use -16.

Should you also use +16 for quo when x/y is a positive
multiple of 8?  My reading of the standard says that you
could, but that seems a little weird to me, so maybe 0
is more natural in the positive case.

A couple of cautions:  I have no idea whether remquo.S
behaves the same way as remquo.c.  However, remquo.c
does give the same incorrect value (0) for quo that
lh_mouse reports and that I see in my test.  Also, I
assume that my test program ends up using remquo.S,
but I really haven't any idea how to check this.

In any event, remquo.c (at least the version I found
on line) is wrong on two counts -- it shows the bug
lh_mouse found, and it can have undefined behavior in
the integer conversion.

My guess is that lh_mouse's test and mine both end up
using remquo.S (Why would we end up using softmath?),
so presumably remquo.S has the quo == 0 bug (but, if I
had to guess, doesn't have the integer-overflow bug).

> Best regards,
> lh_mouse
> 2016-09-07

Best regards.

K. Frank

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