Host: x86_64-pc-linux (Cent 6)
Target: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (wine)

When I build the linux > w64 cross compiler under linux and run the
testsuite under wine, it all basically works for the most part.
However, the log files get filled with what appears to be ANSI escape
sequences of the form:


For instance:

^[[?1h^[=^[[?1l^[>PASS: gcc.dg/ipa/ipa-pta-1.c execution test

This generally doesn't cause a problem, except in the case of some
fortran output pattern tests that try to patch ^string$.  In that
case, the regex fails, as it pulls in the escape sequences as part of

To run the testsuite under wine, I created a simulator board that uses
"wine64" as the simulator that prefixes every spawned test.  I ran
this manually myself, and I do not get any extra characters, so I do
not think that it's wine related.

Does anyone have any experience with this, or suggestions on what to do?

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