Martijn Dekker dixit:

>One nitpick with the new man page phrasing though:
>| Create parameters in global scope, not in local scope.
>That's not quite accurate, as was also explained by the old explanation

I think it entirely accurate and the old text too… clumsy.

The new text is really short, but I also changed the corresponding
text in the typeset description.

The “create in the global scope” vs. “create in the local scope”
is really what ±g is about. If the parameter already exists…

>scope." IOW, it may still inherit the enveloping local scope from a
>calling function.

… then it’s not created.

Hm. But then, maybe…

| Do not create parameters in function-local scope.

… would be even better? Because I now realise you _are_ right
in that they aren’t created in the global scope even with -g…
they are in fact not created at all if they already exist on
any scope (maybe _that_ must go into the text?).


| If name arguments are given, the attributes of the named parame-
| ters are set (-) or cleared (+); inside a function, this will
| cause the parameters to be created (with no value) in the local
| scope. Values for parameters may optionally be specified.
| For name[*], the change in attributes affects all elements of
| the array, and no value may be specified.


|             -g      Do not cause named parameters to be created in
|                     the local scope when called inside a function.

Something like that, then?

//mirabilos, highly valuating your input (but kinda tired)
08:05⎜<XTaran:#grml> mika: Does grml have an tool to read Apple
     ⎜    System Log (asl) files? :)
08:08⎜<ft:#grml> yeah. /bin/rm. ;)       08:09⎜<mrud:#grml> hexdump -C
08:31⎜<XTaran:#grml> ft, mrud: *g*

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