OCD Technical Support wrote:


The answer here should be just one:  "Don't try to understand these things,
because you should be mad".  This is an approximate translation from a poem
written by Eminescu.   My story is somehow different: we had started to
mirror (on a daily basis), then we had applied to be mentioned on the
mirror list and after more than six months the mirror list was NOT
updated.  Then, we had some problems with our mirror server, and after
fixing them, the mirror of Apache software, of course that was outdated.
So, "Mr. Brian", had informed us that our server was removed from the
mirror list (but our mirror was *never* mentioned on their list).  I think
that the better way is to instruct your users about the *your* mirror and
send "Mr. Brian" and the other maintainers of that site where ever you
like.  It seems impossible to understand his behaviour.

Corneliu Tanasa

> Hello there...
> We applied for mirror site status starting on October 23rd, 1997 at
> which point we were informed that sometimes it takes up to a month for
> the listing to be updated.  With perfect understanding and patience we
> waited a couple of months at which point we sent another email and got
> no response.  A week later we sent an email which got a response stating
> it takes up to a month again.. fine..
> To make a VERY long story short we've emailed every 45-50 days since and
> got the same response.... TO THIS DAY, we are still not listed as a
> mirror site.  It's pretty embarassing as we were the absolute FIRST
> mirror site in Canada many ions ago.... but in late 96 we had to drop
> the mirror status due to bandwidth problems.
> We also have a very large clientele which uses Apache and comes to us
> for their downloads.  In our information sent to our customers we've
> always instructed them to go to http://www.apache.org and select our
> mirror site.  Pretty embrarrassing again when we put out a memo saying
> it's only temporary that our site in unavailable and a year and a half
> later almost it's still not resolved.
> Our mirror site is still updated daily at http://apache.kawartha.com
> Since we started having problems with the mirror site at kawartha.com
> we've setup 6 other mirror sites in different regions and they've been
> added to the mirror list within 14 days... WHY?
> Thank you for your time,
> Paul Stewart
> Network Systems Administrator
> Online Computer Distribution
> Peterborough, Ontario Canada

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