Gorm Jorgensen wrote:

Hi Folks.

Am I the only one who thinks that mirroring www.apache.org is useless ?
Why do you ask ?

I have been mirroring apache for quite some time, but since someone changed
the layout of www.apache.org I think my mirror is useless.

When entering the site http://apache.area51.dk/ you will see "The Apache
Software Foundation" homepage, then click on the link to "Apache Server"
and you are sent to http://httpd.apache.org/ !!

Why that ??? - the point of mirroring is to offload the main server, and now we are sending all people to the main server again.

Is that ment to be ?, or will it change ?? If it don't then I'll stop mirroring, and save about 430.990MB diskspace. People are downloading from the main server anyway.

PS: Apache is a damn good web server, please make the mirrors the same :)

Try clicking in one of the links that points to your own webserver(in the mirror of course), and then
click the Apache Server, u must be redirected to your own mirror, not to httpd.apache.org, that happens
only when u click Apache Server from the Mirror Home... try it... i was thinking the same a few days ago
but now i'm realizing that isn't like that... try it...

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