On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Daniel Lang wrote:

> Dear Thom,
> Thom May wrote on Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 04:32:50PM +0000:
> [..]
> > Please can you check out
> > http://www.apache.org/info/how-to-mirror.html
> Well I've read that document, and it mentions, that the
> suggestion configuration should be used for _web mirrors_.
> Since I just want to provide the FTP/dist stuff
> (and offer it also via http and rsync for convenience),
> I wasn't sure, if this would be needed.

Actually, all mirrors are dist mirrors at the moment, so that suggested
configuration is certainly applicable.  It does things like ensure that
the HEADER.html and README.html are displayed in the relevant directories,
and ensure that if we need to make any mime-type adjustments, we can do
that via .htaccess.

We would certainly appreciate it if you could include that configuration
(although it isn't a 100% requirement).  If you scope it in an appropriate
<directory> section, it will have no effect on the rest of your site.


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