Hi all,

We would like become a mirror site for the Apache Software Foundation

Our Information:

mirror site     Pluto.CDPA.nsysu.edu.tw
country         Taiwan (tw)
location        National Sun Yat-Sen University
apache-site     http://pluto.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/apache/site/
apache-dist     http://pluto.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/apache/dist/
organisation    NSYSU CDPA
contactperson   Jin-Shan Tseng
contactemail    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
contactphone    none
contactaddress  National Sun Yat-sen University, 70 Lien-hai Rd. Kaohsiung 804, 
Taiwan ROC

update every 4 hour by using rsync (from www.apache.org.)

Thanks for your help :-)
Jin-Shan Tseng (曾金山). National Sun Yat-Sen University
國立中山大學資工系. Department of CSE, IT Lab.
國立中山大學校園宿舍網路推廣協會 (NSYSU-CDPA) system

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