We're running awstats on our box. You're more than welcome to look at
it: http://mirrors.xtria.com/awstats/awstats.mirrors.xtria.com.html


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Abele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: Mirror bandwidth usage (was Re: New Mirror -

On 09.11.2003, at 17:53, Joshua Slive wrote:

> On Sun, 9 Nov 2003, Joe Kellner wrote:
>> mirror.candidhosting.com does around 3-5 gigs/day for apache.
> Let's see.  5 GigaBytes (I'm assuming bytes, not bits) * 1024 = 5120 
> Megabytes per day times 8 equals 40960 Megabits per day.  Divide that
> by
> 86400 seconds in a day and you get 0.47Mbit/second.  That's not too  
> bad at
> all.

Sounds correct to me. You could even have Google do the calculation:
and it also says 0.474074074 (Mbit per second)

> Multiply that by 22 US HTTP mirrors and you get around 10Mbit for all
> US
> mirrors put together.  I would have thought it would be more than
> but I suppose it is possible.

Wow... but to get a better image of the total bw consumption for a given
set of mirrors (e.g. the US ones) we should have more statistics/data.  
was just 1 out of 22, though the result sounds reasonable.

> Is my math correct?

see above ;->


> Joshua.

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