Hi *,

I have set up a website mirror.

  URL:         http://apache.mirror.transip.nl/
  Country:     Netherlands, Europe
  Contact:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Updates:     4 per day, at {05,11,17,23}:20 CEST
  Bandwidth:   100Mb/s
  Config:      as recommended
  Link:        http://www.transip.nl/
  Small icon:  http://www.transip.nl/i/transipsmallest.gif

Feel free to add the mirror to the rotation.

Walter Hop
Transip B.V.

 Walter Hop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | tel 0182-504424 | fax 0182-504460
 Transip B.V. | http://www.transip.nl/ | Mensen met verstand van zaken.

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