
Next to our network in The Netherlands, we also have built a fully redundant network in Brussels, Belgium. I have put a mirror box there, thats also mirroring apache:

- URL: http://apache.be.proserve.nl/
- Location: Brussels, Belgium
- Contact email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Update frequency: every 6 hours
- Bandwidth: 100Mbit
- Recommended configuration: Yes (I would appreciate some help with the header displaying with Apache2. This doesn't seem to work on our other mirror too, with the configuration mentioned)

Please note that we also have an apache mirror in The Netherlands (apache.proserve.nl) but this is a totaly different box and network.

 /-    Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards,    -\
<- Peter Batenburg - ProServe B.V. - www.proserve.nl ->
 \-    tel: +31-184-423815 - fax: +31-184-417160    -/

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