Ben Goren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Of course, this misses the fact that this has been a problem with *all* 
> jewel cases since time immemorial. I've got a stack of a dozen music 
> CDs in jewel cases on my desk right now. Some of them are mine; some 
> mine that I've lent out; some that I'm borrowing. At least a third have 
> broken jewel cases. Maybe more.
> If you look in your music collection, you'll almost certainly discover 
> the same thing.

Horse puckey.  The jewel cases OpenBSD uses are junk.  If you look at
the cases in your music collection (unless you are buying pirated
stuff) you'll see there are 12 heavy duty prongs holding each CD.
They are arranged in a fan with very long slits to provide
flexibility.  I've never seen them break.  The prongs cover 80%
of the CD ID.

The cases can get cracked and broken, yes, but not the fingers.  (If
you've got 1/3 broken cases you must be brutal.  In my collection,
it's less than 2 percent.)

The OpenBSD cases have 3 measly little prongs per CD. They secure
less than 20% of the hole ID and they were not designed to be
adequately flexible.  The last OpenBSD CD I got (3.6) had 5 of 9
prongs sheared off and all three CDs were banging around and being
scratched by the prong bits.

I suspect that the prongs are being broken while the CDs are still
in the bulk packaging from the manufacturer.  If the box is slammed
down with the CDs parallel to the acceleration, you can break all
those prongs in one good slam, and T shirts won't help later.

Further, I received my CDs from the Computer Shop of Calgary through
their Montana outlet.  Packaging was a tyvex envelope with one layer
of 1/8 inch bubble wrap, with the ends not properly protected.  Though
the case wasn't cracked this time (it was last time), that's just not
enough protection for a $45 product.

The software is of the highest quality.  You are putting a lot of work
into the art and the songs, and everyone is obviously proud of the
result.  The OpenBSD distro has the best packaging of any I've seen.

So it's like opening a long anticipated present and finding it

I pass on my old CDs to other people so they can try OpenBSD. It makes
a bad impression when all the CDs fall out when they open the jewel

Hey, raise the price fifty cents and get a decent case and enough
bubble wrap.  Maybe even a small cardboard shipping box.  Then we
could avoid the semiannual aggressive-defensive discussion on this


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