On Monday 09 May 2005 09:16 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, May 8, 2005 11:00 am, Dave Feustel wrote:
> > Can the malware at Gookle.com described at the link
> > crack OpenBSD and/or Konqueror? (I am far from an expert, so I practice
> > 'better safe
> > than sorry' when I see f-secure's explicit warnings).
> Well, aside from the win32-centric nature of that virus...
> You don't browse the web as root, do you?

Never. I never even login as root any more (use sudo instead
when I need to pkg_add, etc).

> Most Windows security issues 
> stem from the fact that everyone runs as a local admin all the time.

> Since just about all graphical web browesers are complex enough to contain
> bugs, and chances are one of those bugs has a security impact, you could
> lower your risk by running Konqueror in systrace.  I'm not sure how
> Konqueror relates to KDE's desktop file browsing, so running a systrace
> policy that puts useful restrictions on Konqueror may make KDE unusable.

I have been noticing changes in the way Konqueror and Kmail work.
Most recently the window-spawn icon at the upper right of the Konqueror
window has suddenly moved into the middle of the icon line.  All traces of 
the configuration window for  Konqueror plugins have completely disappeared. 
In Kmail drag-drop no longer works in composer.I do not remember doing anything
that would have caused these changes, so my suspicions are aroused that
the program settings are being externally manipulated.

> (Just because all the currently-exploited bugs in websites target IE on
> Win32 doesn't mean that running Konqueror on OpenBSD is completely safe.)

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